good Monday Morning everyone, the Australian Dollar is very high up (even on the very thin strength data), so expect some interesting moves there. i personally will exit now after about 1 hour Trading as there are some Business issues we need to attend to.
08:19 Buy AUDJPY (that may be not such a good idea since the Nikkei is at a Resistance point right now)
08:30 scaling into AUDJPY for a Breakeven exit
08:36 Hedging AUDJPY
08:53 closing AUDJPY
09:01 re-Buy AUDJPY Just a quick momentum scalp
09:08 scaling in on vWap so i can exit early
09:16 closing all AUDJPY (old target of 82.315 looks still valid)
Total Today: +1.536%
tp 82.315 reached just 2 hours after the trading session