Sad News: Discord, squawk & some tools

Dear friends,

It is with a heavy heart that I share some difficult news with you all.

As many of you know, over the past nine years, We worked hard to build and maintain this Community,
and I’ve been blown away by the incredible things we’ve built together.
From over 1700 trading logs to the almost 2200 livestreams & videos, the website, code development, indicators, algorithms, and the massive trading book download section
– it’s been a labor of love, and I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished.

However, due to a long chain of unfortunate cooperate events, I’ve found myself in a difficult financial situation.
Struggling to cover the costs of rent, utilities, and other basic necessities, which has left me with very little to keep the Community running.
As covering Company costs, client transactions and legal arrangements in multiple countries has depleted my own resources,
and I’m no longer able to keep the community running in it’s current form.

Plus, my personal hardware keeps failing, which adds another level of complexity, and i start to run out of ways to ductape things together.

The burnout & pressure to keep everything running smoothly has taken a toll on my mental and physical health,
I’ve been dreaming of money, if sleep at all, and staying cooped up inside for months at a time.

My trading history shows this fact as well, and it’s been increasingly difficult to recover from losses.
as you can see in the public records, my last hickup took me almost 19 days to recover from, which is a exeptionally long time for such a small loss.

as a result i will:
– temporary shutdown off the public Discord (as moderation is at a low)
– saving expenses by turning of value added features such as mee, and nitro (as anounced 3 weeks ago)
– removing Squawk services
– disable of messaging streams to other platforms

Trading logs will still be published as usual, and i will try to get back to the streaming timeslot from before (mid asia session)

It’s been an incredible journey, and I’m humbled by the passion and commitment you’ve all shown over the years.
I hope that you can be welcomes back in the very near future, where we can continue to learn and grow together.

This was an incredibly tough decision to make, as this did fill the last 9 years of my life, and I’m heartbroken that it has come to this.

I want to take this chance to express my gratitude to each and every one of you.
Your contributions, knowledge-sharing, and respectful discussions have made this community what it is today.
It’s been an honor to facilitate this platform and watch meaningful exchanges happen.

I’m deeply grateful for the trust you’ve placed in me.

At this time, my top priority is to establish equity by any means, in order to generate the cashflow required
to pay out the funds owed by the company and me personally, down to the last cent.

With gratitude and sadness,


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