quick start today
Currency Data:
8:13 Buy AUDJPY
8:22 Stop out AUDJPY
8:27 re-enter AUDJPY on the breakout
10:06 hedging AUDJPY
10:52 scaling out of AUDJPY Hedge
11:04 reversing AUDJPY
setting hard stop, very oversized, this will create a large loss
and the probability this to happen is pretty large, as AUD just hit the vWap
Trading the money = bad idea, walking away for lunch.
13:06 closing everything, just gonna get worse from here, in that emotional state.
taking the loss on AUDJPY
in hindsight .. not preparing properly (which usually just takes minutes) was the killer of today.
note to self: look properly before diving in.
Total Today: -0.469%
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