1656 | +1.261% | AUDUSD USDCAD

Today’s risk: 0.723% [Drawdown: 0.417%]

Profit from this!

13:58 Buy AUDUSD early as it dropped to the level before yesterdays CPI news

14:28 this does look a bit bearish now …

15:06 closing AUDUSD at minor resistance

18:58 sell USDCAD on vwap

19:28 news comming up, hedging

20:17 scaling in on buys near vwap,
i have a strong feeling my original sell is still valid, adding sell stops to re-hedge

20:47 closing the whole set with a quite significant profit. (wasn’t really planned)


please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in ICT – Indochina Timezone (GMT+7)

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