1654 | +0.724% | EURUSD AUDUSD

Today’s risk: 1.45% [Drawdown: 0.836%]

Profit from this!

12:57 Buy EURUSD on vwap

13:12 kinda feels wrong, thinking of early hedge/exit, scaling in

13:22 closing everything (doesn’t feel right)

14:07 … original target hit, i guess my guts need a reboot

16:33 Buy AUDUSD

17:03 hedging AUDUSD

17:14 scaling in both directions to get the gap smaller with stops on the breakout points

19:23 well i messed up again … guess it’s time to call it a day


please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in ICT – Indochina Timezone (GMT+7)

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