1631 | +0.441% | AUDUSD GBPUSD AUDJPY

Today’s risk: 0.85%

Profit from this!

11:02 Sell AUDUSD
i have a feeling this may not work as gbp and eur going up

11:18 CAD hitting vwap, scaling in
priceaction on USDCAD does not look great for a solid bounce here.
i may close the AUD sells early..

13:06 stopout AUDUSD

17:10 small fuckery on GBPUSD
(got me back on breakeven for today)

20:16 quick vwap scalp on AUDJPY

20:48 close on target


please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in ICT – Indochina Timezone (GMT+7)

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