1105 | +0.377% | AUDJPY USDCAD

Session Data
Asia Events Governor Kuroda speech [JPY]
Divergences (36H) ++GBP +CAD -USD –JPY

7:08 Buy AUDJPY to H4 resistance

7:53 move stop on AUDJPY and scale in

11:01 adding Shorts to AUDJPY

11:55 close AUDJPY Buys with a small loss
AUD is still above vWap, this could be a misstake.

12:05 quick Sell on USDCAD

12:15 changed my mind, closing USDCAD & scale in on AUDJPY

12:17 move stop below vwap on AUDJPY

12:20 forgot a 5k Buy limit on AUDJPY .. closing with a tinny loss

12:27 closing AUDJPY on Support (TP2 83.803)

Total Today: +0.377%

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in ICT – Indochina Timezone (GMT+7)

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