1063 | +0.444% | AUDJPY AUDUSD USDCAD

Session Data:
Asia Events: Consumer Price Index [EUR=zone]

15:18 Buy AUDJPY

15:36 start to sell AUDJPY

16:09 stop out AUDJPY Buys

16:48 closing AUDJPY Sells

17:00 re-enter AUDJP Sell to the original target

17:48 close AUDJPY Sells

18:42 made a few test trades (micro-lots)
to test the LaMetric integration

18:54 turning this into a proper trade, Sell AUDUSD

19:46 Sell USDCAD to offset AUDUSD loss

20:09 close USDCAD with a small loss

20:32 close AUDUSD as CAD hit the vwap

Total Today: +0.444%

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in SGT – Singapore Timezone (GMT+8)

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