1698 | +2.053% | BTCUSD – Weekend

Today’s risk: 0.65% [Drawdown: 0.396%]

Profit from this!

Weekend Trading – Saturday

7:54 Buy BTCUSD on vwap

ETH is slightly above, so expecting a vwap cross (will scale in when it happens)

total snoozefest today.

14:15 reversing BTC

16:09 close BTCUSD near pivot

18:02 sell BTCUSD on vwap

18:57 spreads are widening significantly, while price went nowhere for almost an hour


this maybe not working out as planned, closing everything on breakeven


6:12 quick sell BTCUSD on vwap .. small size as this could make a swing up when japanese money comes in

9:28 closing everything on trendline

just realized i used the wrong trendline to exit, ah well .. close enough 😉

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in ICT – Indochina Timezone (GMT+7)

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