1471 | +0.168% | AUDUSD USDCAD

Let’s do it.

Profit from this!

11:57 Sell AUDUSD
It’s above vwap, so there may be some reaction to the upside first.

13:33 moving stops lower and scale in on AUDUSD

13:42 small countertrade, Selling USDCAD on vwap

14:15 manually closing AUDUSD Sells

14:36 moving stops on USDCAD and scale in on vwap

15:46 closing failed GBPUSD calp (missed the target by 3.4 pips)

19:16 GBPUSD also went to target after hitting the stops

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in ICT – Indochina Timezone (GMT+7)

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