997 | +0.278% | BTCUSD NASDAQ

Preparing the day ... will be live soon

Currency Data:

  • Diverge Currencies: ++CHF, +NZD, -JPY, –AUD
  • Asia Events: Employment Change [AUD], BoJ Monetary Policy Statement [JPY]
  • EU Events: BoJ Press Conference [JPY], ECB Interest Rate Decision [EUR]

14:32 Sell BTCUSD

15:18 Sell NASDAQ

15:31 closing BTC sells manually, and scale into NQ shorts

16:44 okay the BTC early close turned out to be a mistake ..

17:04 London volume pushes NQ back up, scaling in.

18:40 enable TSL on NQ Shorts.

18:43 closing NASDAQ / NQ (i’m bored)


Total Today: +0.278%

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in SGT – Singapore Timezone (GMT+8)

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