China official PMI data: Manufacturing 49.8 (expected 49.5)

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China National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) data

September PMIs

Manufacturing 49.8

  • expected 49.5, prior 49.1

Non manufacturing 50.0

  • expected 50.4, prior 50.3

more to come

China has two primary Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) surveys – the official PMI released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and the Caixin China PMI published by the media company Caixin and research firm Markit / S&P Global.

  • The official PMI survey covers large and state-owned companies, while the Caixin PMI survey covers small and medium-sized enterprises. As a result, the Caixin PMI is considered to be a more reliable indicator of the performance of China’s private sector.
  • Another difference between the two surveys is their methodology. The Caixin PMI survey uses a broader sample of companies than the official survey.
  • Despite these differences, the two surveys often provide similar readings on China’s manufacturing sector.

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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