Fed’s Bowman: inflation should ease with current Fed policy

content provided with permission by FXStreet

Federal Reserve (Fed) Board of Governors member Michelle Bowman noted on Thursday that while current Fed policies should be enough to drag inflation back to target, the Fed shouldn’t be unwilling to weigh further rate cuts in inflation data proves sticky.

Key highlights

I am still willing to raise rates again if inflation doesnÂ’t ease.

The Fed not at point yet where it can consider rate cut.

If inflation moves toward 2%, eventual rate cut is on the table.

Lack of new bank creation will create financial issues.

Economy strong but activity has moderated.

I am concerned by the decline in the number of US banks.

Upside risks to inflation persist.

I expect only modest progress on lower inflation this year.

Easier financial conditions could drive up inflation.

I remain cautious in weighing future Fed rate changes.

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