389 | +3.76% | 5 Setups


Currency Data:

  • Positive: JPY, AUD, USD
  • Negative: CAD, NZD
  • Pair(s) to Watch: CADJPY (Sell), NZDAUD (Sell)
  • Asia Session Events: Trade Balances [JPY], Unemployment [AUD], FDI [CNH]

07:30 Sell CADJPY (not a scalp)

08:42 got stopped out of the CADJPY Short with a small profit (i manually set the stop on the trend top developed by Sidney)

09:11 shorting CADJPY again for the 100% fib target

06:36 news hit the Japanese Yen & Australian Dollar (i was neglecting the Japanese Yen and stay in the CADJPY trade)
hedging and reversing on the pullback .. scaled in a few times to get out faster.
wanted to take profit at 38% Fibonacci but exit a bit more early.

09:50 Sell USDCHF

09:56 got hedged on USDCHF, reversed quickly after back to short

10:07 exit as the loss has been paid for on USDCHF

10:44 buy EURGBP (scale in 2 times above the vWap

noticed double resistance on M30 chart EURGBP, as a result,
will try to exit the trade, as the probabilities are very low for this to succeed without some fundamental help.

11:18 closing EURGBP as it went up.
however, after closing it the setups looks very valid, despite my worries about the Resistance from the M30 chart.

12:15 buy SGDJPY midrange,
realized shortly after that we hit the Nearby Resistance already, this trade may go to the downside rather quickly.

12:18 forcibly hedging SGDJPY by adding more size to the trade, the probabilities are extremely low now.

12:27 reversing Hedge on SGDJPY to Buy

12:13 exit all SGDJPY trades with a tiny gain after pay for the hedge loss.

13:56 Buy GBPJPY

14:46 breakout did not happen, hedging GBPJPY

change hedge to buy as the Dollar seems to spike.

22:01 Closing all trades .. this took like FOREVER!


Total Today: +3.76%


please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in SGT – Singapore Timezone (GMT+8)

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