New Zealand September business confidence 60.9 (prior 50.6)

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ANZ Business Outlook survey September 2024

Business Confidence 60.9%

  • prior 50.6%

Activity 45.3%

  • prior 37.1%

ANZ comment:

  • first signs of improvement in current activity
  • A sharper rebound in economic activity than generally anticipated would of
    course be great news – as long as inflation still returns sustainably to target.
  • The proportion of firms intending to raise their
    prices in the next three months lifted for a third consecutive month. It’s the
    highest since April and well above pre-COVID levels.
  • But in good news from the RBNZ’s point of view, reported wage growth
    has dropped from 4% in April to 3% six months later, and no doubt relatedly,
    cost expectations have dropped steadily from 3.2% in April to 2.4% now.

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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