1600 | -0.153% | AUDJPY AUDUSD

Today’s risk: 0.15%

Profit from this!

12:52 selling into AUDJPY as it tried a few times during news,
could be also significant rejection.

13:53 closing AUDJPY as it retests vwap,
it still feels bullish (especially as EUR and GBP had a rejection, but not really want to risk it.
AUD also stil going up (ish)

14:49 buying AUDUSD on vwap (a bit counterproductive, since i’m still kind of bearisch on AUDJPY)

15:12 hedging AUDUSD

16:29 close everything

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in ICT – Indochina Timezone (GMT+7)

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