1462 | -0.143% | GBPJPY EURUSD EURJPY

Let’s do it.

Profit from this!

for some reason, i can’t connect to restream Servers,
i will upload a recording later

7:35 quick Noise Trade on GBPJPY (tiny size, no Stops)

8:18 Buy EURUSD

8:21 stopput GBPJPY

8:26 starting to sell into EURUSD

9:45 stopping revenge trading on EURUSD

14:48 stopout DAX

15:07 taking it slow now,
quick sell on EURUSD closed (original target was 1.08184)

15:09 well that was quick!

17:06 sell EURJPY

18:14 moving Stop down on EURJPY and place limit orders to scale in

18:37 manually closing EURJPY

18:40 Sell EURUSD

19:06 Sell DAX

19:47 close DAX manually, maybe too early as the Nasdaq just about to hit the vwap

20:08 close EURUSD, calling it a day


please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in ICT – Indochina Timezone (GMT+7)

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