Let’s do it.

Profit from this!

11:24 Looks like GBPUSD is going without me..

11:49 Buy GBPUSD on vwap

12:37 GBPUSD broke minor support, scaling in and enable TSL
to exit with a smaller loss.

12:42 quick vwap scalp on EURUSD

14:02 moving stop higher on GBPUSD

14:06 early exit GBPUSD

14:13 move stop higher on EURUSD and enable TSL

14:31 USDCAD hitting vwap, scaling in on EURUSD

14:34 EUR hitting vwap, scaling in

14:42 moving stop higher on EURUSD

14:46 Stopout EURUSD

14:47 Buy AUDUSD on vwap

15:28 quick scalp on the DAX

15:49 EUR droppping hard, manually closing AUDUSD

15:50 also closing DAX buys

i planned to hold the DAX position trough the news,
close, depending on momentum (15141 or trail from 151420)

18:39 quick failed scalp on DAX

20:02 revenge 😉

20:42 little bit more DAX scalping..

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in ICT – Indochina Timezone (GMT+7)

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