565 | +1.221% | 2 Setups | EURGBP | GBPJPY

Skipping Asia today ...

Currency Data:

  • Pair(s) to Watch: NZDJPY (Buy), AUDCHF (Buy)
  • EU Events: Index of Consumer Prices [DEU], ILO Unemployment Rate [GBP]

14:06 Buy GBPJPY

14:16 Hedging GBPJPY

17:08 Reverse Hedge on GBPJPY

17:27 close GBPJPY with profit

17:41 Buy EURGBP

17:52 Manually hedging EURGBP

18:31 adding Shorts to Hedges

18:31 close all positions on EURGBP for Breakeven

Total Today: +1.221%


Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in SGT – Singapore Timezone (GMT+8)

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