527 | +0.353% | 1 Setup | NZDUSD

very slow day ..looks like we have to wait it out today

Currency Data:

  • Pair(s) to Watch: EURAUD (Sell), NZDUSD (Buy)
  • Asia Events: Trade Balance [AUD], Leading Economic Index [JPY]

12:11 Buy NZDUSD, a Bit late entry, also its countertrade, so that may not be working out as planned.

16:01 Hedging NZDUSD

17:02 added to the buy side on NZDUSD

17:27 didn’t work, evening out the hedge on NZDUSD, and taking a small break (and a small loss)

21:32 reverse hedge position on NZDUSD

22:45 closing all positions on NZDUSD, barely Breakeven ..

Total Today: +0.353%


Trading Day Recap

Stream Recording

please note: times /dates shown in Stream, Screenshots & Blog
in SGT – Singapore Timezone (GMT+8)

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